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OrgDailyUsageMetrics Object

Represents snapshots of daily utilization metrics for an Organization.

Return fields

allowRemove (Boolean!)

Specifies whether the signed-in User can remove the OrgDailyUsageMetrics.

allowUpdate (Boolean!)

Specifies whether the signed-in User can update the OrgDailyUsageMetrics.

failedExecutionCount (BigInt!)

The total number of failed Instance executions on the snapshot date.

id (ID!)

The ID of the object

snapshotDate (Date!)

The date the utilization metrics snapshot was created.

spendMbSecs (BigInt!)

The total execution spend on the snapshot date in MB-secs.

stepCount (BigInt!)

The total number of steps executed on the snapshot date.

successfulExecutionCount (BigInt!)

The total number of successful Instance executions on the snapshot date.