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Const action

actionTInputs, TConfigVar, TAllowsBranching, TReturn›(definition: ActionDefinition‹TInputs, TConfigVar, TAllowsBranching, TReturn›): ActionDefinition‹TInputs, TConfigVar, TAllowsBranching, TReturn›

Defined in packages/spectral/src/index.ts:151

This function creates an action object that can be referenced by a custom component. It helps ensure that the shape of the action object conforms to what the Prismatic API expects. For information on writing custom component actions, see

Type parameters:

TInputs: Inputs

TConfigVar: ConfigVarResultCollection

TAllowsBranching: boolean

TReturn: ActionPerformReturn‹TAllowsBranching, unknown›


definitionActionDefinition‹TInputs, TConfigVar, TAllowsBranching, TReturn›An ActionDefinition type object that includes UI display information, a function to perform when the action is invoked, and a an object containing inputs for the perform function.

Returns: ActionDefinition‹TInputs, TConfigVar, TAllowsBranching, TReturn›

This function validates the shape of the definition object provided, and returns the same action object.

Const component

componentTPublic, TKey›(definition: ComponentDefinition‹TPublic, TKey›): ReturnType‹typeof convertComponent›

Defined in packages/spectral/src/index.ts:138

This function creates a component object that can be imported into the Prismatic API. For information on using this function to write custom components, see

Type parameters:

TPublic: boolean

TKey: string


definitionComponentDefinition‹TPublic, TKey›A ComponentDefinition type object, including display information, unique key, and a set of actions the component implements.

Returns: ReturnType‹typeof convertComponent›

This function returns a component object that has the shape the Prismatic API expects.

Const configPage

configPageT›(definition: T): T

Defined in packages/spectral/src/index.ts:81

For information on writing Code Native Integrations, see

Type parameters:

T: ConfigPage‹any›


definitionTA Config Page type object.

Returns: T

This function returns a config page object that has the shape the Prismatic API expects.

Const configVar

configVarT›(definition: T): T

Defined in packages/spectral/src/index.ts:102

For information on writing Code Native Integrations, see

Type parameters:

T: StandardConfigVar | ScheduleConfigVar


definitionTA Config Var type object.

Returns: T

This function returns a standard config var object that has the shape the Prismatic API expects.

Const connection

connectionT›(definition: T): T

Defined in packages/spectral/src/index.ts:213

For information on writing custom component connections, see

Type parameters:

T: DefaultConnectionDefinition


definitionTA DefaultConnectionDefinition object that describes the type of a connection for a custom component action or trigger, and information on how it should be displayed in the Prismatic WebApp.

Returns: T

This functions validates the shape of the definition object provided and returns the same connection object.

Const connectionConfigVar

connectionConfigVarT›(definition: T): T

Defined in packages/spectral/src/index.ts:124

For information on writing Code Native Integrations, see

Type parameters:

T: ConnectionConfigVar‹any›


definitionTA Connection Config Var type object.

Returns: T

This function returns a connection config var object that has the shape the Prismatic API expects.

Const dataSource

dataSourceTInputs, TConfigVars, TDataSourceType›(definition: DataSourceDefinition‹TInputs, TConfigVars, TDataSourceType›): DataSourceDefinition‹TInputs, TConfigVars, TDataSourceType›

Defined in packages/spectral/src/index.ts:189

This function creates a data source object that can be referenced by a custom component. It helps ensure that the shape of the data source object conforms to what the Prismatic API expects. For information on writing custom component data sources, see

Type parameters:

TInputs: Inputs

TConfigVars: ConfigVarResultCollection

TDataSourceType: DataSourceType


definitionDataSourceDefinition‹TInputs, TConfigVars, TDataSourceType›A DataSourceDefinition type object that includes UI display information, a function to perform when the data source is invoked, and a an object containing inputs for the perform function.

Returns: DataSourceDefinition‹TInputs, TConfigVars, TDataSourceType›

This function validates the shape of the definition object provided, and returns the same data source object.

Const dataSourceConfigVar

dataSourceConfigVarT›(definition: T): T

Defined in packages/spectral/src/index.ts:112

For information on writing Code Native Integrations, see

Type parameters:

T: DataSourceConfigVar‹any›


definitionTA Data Source Config Var type object.

Returns: T

This function returns a data source config var object that has the shape the Prismatic API expects.

Const flow

flowTConfigPages, TComponents, TTriggerPayload, T›(definition: T): T

Defined in packages/spectral/src/index.ts:62

For information on writing Code Native Integrations, see

Type parameters:

TConfigPages: ConfigPages‹any›

TComponents: ComponentSelector‹any›

TTriggerPayload: TriggerPayload

T: Flow‹TConfigPages, TComponents, TTriggerPayload›


definitionTA Flow type object.

Returns: T

This function returns a flow object that has the shape the Prismatic API expects.

Const input

inputT›(definition: T): T

Defined in packages/spectral/src/index.ts:204

For information and examples on how to write inputs for custom component actions and triggers, see

Type parameters:

T: InputFieldDefinition


definitionTAn InputFieldDefinition object that describes the type of an input for a custom component action or trigger, and information on how it should be displayed in the Prismatic WebApp.

Returns: T

This function validates the shape of the definition object provided, and returns the same input object.

Const integration

integrationT›(definition: T): ReturnType‹typeof convertIntegration›

Defined in packages/spectral/src/index.ts:43

This function creates a Integration object that can be imported into the Prismatic API. For information on using this function to write code native integrations, see

Type parameters:

T: IntegrationDefinition‹any, any›


definitionTAn IntegrationDefinition type object.

Returns: ReturnType‹typeof convertIntegration›

This function returns an integration object that has the shape the Prismatic API expects.

Const oauth2Connection

oauth2ConnectionT›(definition: T): T

Defined in packages/spectral/src/index.ts:233

For information on writing custom component connections, see

Type parameters:

T: OAuth2ConnectionDefinition


definitionTAn OAuth2ConnectionDefinition object that describes the type of a connection for a custom component action or trigger, and information on how it should be displayed in the Prismatic WebApp.

Returns: T

This functions validates the shape of the definition object provided and returns the same connection object.

Const onPremiseConnection

onPremiseConnectionT›(definition: T): T

Defined in packages/spectral/src/index.ts:223

For information on writing custom component connections using on-premise resources, see

Type parameters:

T: OnPremiseConnectionDefinition


definitionTAn OnPremiseConnectionDefinition object that describes the type of a connection for a custom component action or trigger, and information on how it should be displayed in the Prismatic WebApp.

Returns: T

This function validates the shape of the definition object provided and returns the same connection object.

Const reference

referenceTComponents›(): object

Defined in packages/spectral/src/index.ts:88

Type parameters:

TComponents: ComponentSelector‹any›

Returns: object

Helper utility to create component references.

  • connection(): function

    • T›(definition: T): T
  • dataSource(): function

    • T›(definition: T): T

Const trigger

triggerTInputs, TConfigVar, TAllowsBranching, TResult›(definition: TriggerDefinition‹TInputs, TConfigVar, TAllowsBranching, TResult›): TriggerDefinition‹TInputs, TConfigVar, TAllowsBranching, TResult›

Defined in packages/spectral/src/index.ts:170

This function creates a trigger object that can be referenced by a custom component. It helps ensure that the shape of the trigger object conforms to what the Prismatic API expects. For information on writing custom component triggers, see

Type parameters:

TInputs: Inputs

TConfigVar: ConfigVarResultCollection

TAllowsBranching: boolean

TResult: TriggerResult‹TAllowsBranching, TriggerPayload


definitionTriggerDefinition‹TInputs, TConfigVar, TAllowsBranching, TResult›A TriggerDefinition type object that includes UI display information, a function to perform when the trigger is invoked, and a an object containing inputs for the perform function.

Returns: TriggerDefinition‹TInputs, TConfigVar, TAllowsBranching, TResult›

This function validates the shape of the definition object provided, and returns the same trigger object.