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Using Field Mapping in a Flow

If you've already built a custom field mapper, the next step is to use the results of that field mapper to map data in a flow.

In the video above, we create a field mapper that maps Salesforce fields to "Acme" fields. The result of the field mapper config variable is a JavaScript object that looks like this:

"source": "Id",
"destination": "external_id",
"source": "Name",
"destination": "acct_name",
"source": "AnnualRevenue",
"destination": "revenue",

Salesforce yields data that looks like this, with keys in Pascal Case:

"Id": "0018c0000321QvpAAE",
"Name": "Example Account",
"AnnualRevenue": 1000000

To map fields from the Salesforce payload to an "Acme" payload, we can apply a JavaScript reduce function onto the map config object:

module.exports = async ({ logger, configVars }, stepResults) => {
const sfdcAccount = stepResults.loopOverAccounts.currentItem;
const mapping = configVars["Salesforce Account Field Mapping"];
const mappedFields = mapping.reduce(
(acc, { source, destination }) => ({
[destination]: sfdcAccount[source],
return { data: mappedFields };

That will yield an object that our "Acme" API can consume:

"external_id": "0018c0000321QvpAAE",
"acct_name": "Taylor test account 5",
"revenue": 10000