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The util module provides a set of functions commonly needed to author custom components. Many functions in the util module are used to coerce data into a particular type, and can be accessed through util.types. For example, util.types.toInt("5.5") will return an integer, 5.




Const cleanObject

cleanObject(obj: Record‹string, unknown›, predicate?: undefined | function): Record‹string, unknown›

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:628

This function removes any properties of an object that match a certain predicate. By default properties with values of undefined, null and "" are removed.

  • cleanObject({foo: undefined, bar: "abc", baz: null, buz: ""}) will return {bar: "abc"}
  • cleanObject({foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3}, v => v % 2 === 0) will filter even number values, returning {foo: 1, baz: 3}


objRecord‹string, unknown›A key-value object to remove properties from
predicate?undefined | functionA function that returns true for properties to remove. Defaults to removing properties with undefined, null and "" values.

Returns: Record‹string, unknown›

An object with certain properties removed

Const isBigInt

isBigInt(value: unknown): value is bigint

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:288


valueunknownThe value to test

Returns: value is bigint

This function returns true if the type of value is a bigint, or false otherwise.

Const isBool

isBool(value: unknown): value is boolean

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:168

Determine if a variable is a boolean (true or false).

  • util.types.isBool(false) will return true, since false is a boolean.
  • util.types.isBool("Hello") will return false, since "Hello" is not a boolean.


valueunknownThe variable to test.

Returns: value is boolean

True if the value is a boolean, or false otherwise.

Const isBufferDataPayload

isBufferDataPayload(value: unknown): value is DataPayload

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:411

This function tests if the object provided is a Prismatic DataPayload object. A DataPayload object is an object with a data attribute that is a Buffer, and optional contentType attribute.


valueunknownThe value to test

Returns: value is DataPayload

This function returns true if value is a DataPayload object, and false otherwise.

Const isConnection

isConnection(value: unknown): value is ConnectionDefinition

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:515

This function checks if value is a valid connection.


valueunknownThe variable to test.

Returns: value is ConnectionDefinition

This function returns true or false, depending on if value is a valid connection.

Const isData

isData(value: unknown): boolean

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:470

deprecated This function tests if the object provided is a Prismatic DataPayload object. A DataPayload object is an object with a data attribute, and optional contentType attribute.


valueunknownThe value to test

Returns: boolean

This function returns true if value is a DataPayload object, and false otherwise.

Const isDate

isDate(value: unknown): value is Date

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:314

This function returns true if value is a variable of type Date, and false otherwise.



Returns: value is Date

Const isElement

isElement(value: unknown): value is Element

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:42

This function checks if value is an Element. util.types.isElement({key: "foo"}) and util.types.isElement({key: "foo", label: "Foo"}) return true.


valueunknownThe variable to test.

Returns: value is Element

This function returns true or false, depending on if value is an Element.

Const isInt

isInt(value: unknown): value is number

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:206

This function checks if value is an integer. util.types.isInt(5) returns true, while util.types.isInt("5") or util.types.isInt(5.5) returns false.


valueunknownThe variable to test.

Returns: value is number

This function returns true or false, depending on if value is an integer.

Const isJSON

isJSON(value: string): boolean

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:555

This function returns true if value resembles the shape of JSON, and false otherwise.

  • isJSON(undefined) will return false`
  • isJSON(null) will return true`
  • isJSON("") will return false`
  • isJSON(5) will return true`
  • isJSON('{"name":"John", "age":30, "car":null}') will return true`


valuestringThe value to test against

Returns: boolean

This function returns a boolean, dependant on whether value can be parsed to JSON.

Const isJSONForm

isJSONForm(value: unknown): value is JSONForm

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:130


valueunknownThe value to test

Returns: value is JSONForm

This function returns true if the type of value is a JSONForm, or false otherwise.

Const isNumber

isNumber(value: unknown): boolean

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:256

Determine if a variable is a number, or can easily be coerced into a number.

  • util.types.isNumber(3.21) will return true, since 3.21 is a number.
  • util.types.isBool("5.5") will return true, since the string "5.5" can easily be coerced into a number.
  • util.types.isBool("Hello") will return false, since "Hello" is not a number.


valueunknownThe variable to test.

Returns: boolean

This function returns true if value can easily be coerced into a number, and false otherwise.

Const isObjectFieldMap

isObjectFieldMap(value: unknown): value is ObjectFieldMap

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:85


valueunknownThe value to test

Returns: value is ObjectFieldMap

This function returns true if the type of value is an ObjectFieldMap, or false otherwise.

Const isObjectSelection

isObjectSelection(value: unknown): value is ObjectSelection

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:49


valueunknownThe value to test

Returns: value is ObjectSelection

This function returns true if the type of value is an ObjectSelection, or false otherwise.

Const isObjectWithTruthyKeys

isObjectWithTruthyKeys(value: unknown, keys: string[]): boolean

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:25



Returns: boolean

Const isPicklist

isPicklist(value: unknown): boolean

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:366

This function checks if value is a valid picklist.

  • util.types.isPicklist(["value", new String("value")]) will return true.


valueunknownThe variable to test.

Returns: boolean

This function returns true if value is a valid picklist.

Const isSchedule

isSchedule(value: unknown): boolean

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:378

This function checks if value is a valid schedule.

  • util.types.isSchedule({value: "00 00 * * 2,3"}) will return true.
  • util.types.isSchedule({value: "00 00 * * 2,3", scheduleType: "week", timeZone: "America/Chicago"}) will return true.


valueunknownThe variable to test.

Returns: boolean

This function returns true if value is a valid schedule.

Const isString

isString(value: unknown): value is string

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:492

This function checks if value is a string. util.types.isString("value") and util.types.isString(new String("value")) return true.


valueunknownThe variable to test.

Returns: value is string

This function returns true or false, depending on if value is a string.

Const isUrl

isUrl(value: string): boolean

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:356

This function tests if the string provided is a valid URL, and returns true if the URL is valid. Note: this function only tests that the string is a syntactically correct URL; it does not check if the URL is web accessible.

  • util.types.isUrl('') will return true.
  • util.types.isUrl('https:://') will return false due to the extraneous : symbol.


valuestringThe URL to test.

Returns: boolean

This function returns true if value is a valid URL, and false otherwise.

Const keyValPairListToObject

keyValPairListToObjectTValue›(kvpList: KeyValuePair‹unknown›[], valueConverter?: undefined | function): Record‹string, TValue›

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:391

This function helps to transform key-value lists to objects. This is useful for transforming inputs that are key-value collections into objects.

For example, an input that is a collection might return [{key: "foo", value: "bar"},{key: "baz", value: 5}]. If that array were passed into util.types.keyValPairListToObject(), an object would be returned of the form {foo: "bar", baz: 5}.

Type parameters:



kvpListKeyValuePair‹unknown›[]An array of objects with key and value properties.
valueConverter?undefined | functionOptional function to call for each value.

Returns: Record‹string, TValue›

Const lowerCaseHeaders

lowerCaseHeaders(headers: Record‹string, string›): Record‹string, string›

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:593

This function returns a lower cased version of the headers passed to it.

  • lowerCaseHeaders({"Content-Type": "Application/JSON"}) will return {"content-type": "Application/JSON"}
  • lowerCaseHeaders({"Cache-Control": "max-age=604800"}) will return {"cache-control": "max-age=604800"}
  • lowerCaseHeaders({"Accept-Language": "en-us"}) will return {"accept-language": "en-us"}


headersRecord‹string, string›The headers to convert to lower case

Returns: Record‹string, string›

This function returns a header object

Const toBigInt

toBigInt(value: unknown): BigInt

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:301

This function coerces a provided value into a bigint if possible. The provided value must be a bigint, integer, string representing an integer, or a boolean.

  • util.types.toBigInt(3) will return 3n.
  • util.types.toBigInt("-5") will return -5n.
  • util.types.toBigInt(true) will return 1n (and false will return 0n).
  • util.types.toBigInt("5.5") will throw an error, as 5.5 is not an integer.


valueunknownThe value to coerce to bigint.

Returns: BigInt

This function returns the bigint representation of value.

Const toBool

toBool(value: unknown, defaultValue?: undefined | false | true): boolean

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:183

Convert truthy (true, "t", "true", "y", "yes") values to boolean true, and falsy (false, "f", "false", "n", "no") values to boolean false. Truthy/falsy checks are case-insensitive.

In the event that value is undefined or an empty string, a default value can be provided. For example, util.types.toBool('', true) will return true.


valueunknownThe value to convert to a boolean.
defaultValue?undefined | false | trueThe value to return if value is undefined or an empty string.

Returns: boolean

The boolean equivalent of the truthy or falsy value.

Const toBufferDataPayload

toBufferDataPayload(value: unknown): DataPayload

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:426

Many libraries for third-party API that handle binary files expect Buffer objects. This function helps to convert strings, Uint8Arrays, and Arrays to a data structure that has a Buffer and a string representing contentType.

You can access the buffer like this: const { data, contentType } = util.types.toBufferDataPayload(someData);

If value cannot be converted to a Buffer, an error will be thrown.


valueunknownThe string, Buffer, Uint8Array, or Array to convert to a Buffer.

Returns: DataPayload

This function returns an object with two keys: data, which is a Buffer, and contentType, which is a string.

Const toData

toData(value: unknown): DataPayload

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:484

deprecated Many libraries for third-party API that handle binary files expect Buffer objects. This function helps to convert strings, Uint8Arrays, and Arrays to a data structure that has a Buffer and a string representing contentType.

You can access the buffer like this: const { data, contentType } = util.types.toData(someData);

If value cannot be converted to a Buffer, an error will be thrown.


valueunknownThe string, Buffer, Uint8Array, or Array to convert to a Buffer.

Returns: DataPayload

This function returns an object with two keys: data, which is a Buffer, and contentType, which is a string.

Const toDate

toDate(value: unknown): Date

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:327

This function parses an ISO date or UNIX epoch timestamp if possible, or throws an error if the value provided cannot be coerced into a Date object.

  • util.types.toDate(new Date('1995-12-17T03:24:00')) will return Date('1995-12-17T09:24:00.000Z') since a Date object was passed in.
  • util.types.toDate('2021-03-20') will return Date('2021-03-20T05:00:00.000Z') since a valid ISO date was passed in.
  • util.types.toDate(1616198400) will return Date('2021-03-20T00:00:00.000Z')` since a UNIX epoch timestamp was passed in.
  • parseISODate('2021-03-20-05') will throw an error since value was not a valid ISO date.


valueunknownThe value to turn into a date.

Returns: Date

The date equivalent of value.

Const toInt

toInt(value: unknown, defaultValue?: undefined | number): number

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:220

This function converts a variable to an integer if possible. util.types.toInt(5.5) will return 5. util.types.toInt("20.3") will return 20.

In the event that value is undefined or an empty string, a default value can be provided. For example, util.types.toInt('', 1) will return 1.

This function will throw an exception if value cannot be coerced to an integer.


valueunknownThe value to convert to an integer.
defaultValue?undefined | numberThe value to return if value is undefined, an empty string, or not able to be coerced.

Returns: number

This function returns an integer if possible.

Const toJSON

toJSON(value: unknown, prettyPrint: boolean, retainKeyOrder: boolean): string

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:572

This function accepts an arbitrary object/value and safely serializes it (handles cyclic references).


valueunknown-Arbitrary object/value to serialize.
prettyPrintbooleantrueWhen true, convert to pretty printed JSON with 2 spaces and newlines. When false, JSON is compact.
retainKeyOrderbooleanfalseWhen true, the order of keys in the JSON output will be the same as the order in the input object.

Returns: string

JSON serialized text that can be safely logged.

Const toJSONForm

toJSONForm(value: unknown): JSONForm

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:143

This function coerces a provided value into a JSONForm if possible.


valueunknownThe value to coerce to JSONForm.

Returns: JSONForm

This function returns the the value as a JSONForm if possible.

Const toNumber

toNumber(value: unknown, defaultValue?: undefined | number): number

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:272

This function coerces a value (number or string) into a number. In the event that value is undefined or an empty string, a defaultValue can be provided, or zero will be returned. If value is not able to be coerced into a number but is defined, an error will be thrown.

  • util.types.toNumber("3.22") will return the number 3.22.
  • util.types.toNumber("", 5.5) will return the default value 5.5, since value was an empty string.
  • util.types.toNumber(null, 5.5) will return the default value 5.5, since value was null.
  • util.types.toNumber(undefined) will return 0, since value was undefined and no defaultValue was given.
  • util.types.toNumber("Hello") will throw an error, since the string "Hello" cannot be coerced into a number.


valueunknownThe value to turn into a number.
defaultValue?undefined | numberThe value to return if value is undefined or an empty string.

Returns: number

This function returns the numerical version of value if possible, or the defaultValue if value is undefined or an empty string.

Const toObject

toObject(value: unknown): object

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:609

This function parses a JSON string (if JSON) and returns an object, or returns the object.

  • toObject('{"foo":"bar","baz":123}') will return object {foo: "bar", baz: 123}
  • toObject({foo:"bar",baz:123}) will return object {foo: "bar", baz: 123}


valueunknownThe JSON string or object to convert

Returns: object

This function returns an object, parsing JSON as necessary

Const toObjectFieldMap

toObjectFieldMap(value: unknown): ObjectFieldMap

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:110

This function coerces a provided value into an ObjectFieldMap if possible.


valueunknownThe value to coerce to ObjectFieldMap.

Returns: ObjectFieldMap

This function returns the the value as an ObjectFieldMap if possible.

Const toObjectSelection

toObjectSelection(value: unknown): ObjectSelection

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:65

This function coerces a provided value into an ObjectSelection if possible.


valueunknownThe value to coerce to ObjectSelection.

Returns: ObjectSelection

This function returns the the value as an ObjectSelection if possible.

Const toString

toString(value: unknown, defaultValue: string): string

Defined in packages/spectral/src/util.ts:507

This function converts a value to a string. If value is undefined or an empty string, an optional defaultValue can be returned.

  • util.types.toString("Hello") will return "Hello".
  • util.types.toString(5.5) will return "5.5".
  • util.types.toString("", "Some default") will return "Some Default".
  • util.types.toString(undefined) will return "".


valueunknown-The value to convert to a string.
defaultValuestring""A default value to return if value is undefined or an empty string.

Returns: string

This function returns the stringified version fo value, or defaultValue in the case that value is undefined or an empty string.