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Gong Component

Captures customer interactions then delivers insights at scale, empowering teams to make decisions based on data instead of opinions. Use the Gong Component to manage calls, users, libraries, and more.

Component key: gong


Gong captures customer interactions then delivers insights at scale, empowering teams to make decisions based on data instead of opinions.

Use the Gong Component to manage calls, users, libraries, and more.


Gong OAuth 2.0

To Create an OAuth app for Gong:

  1. In your company's Settings page, click API and click the Integrations tab.
  2. Click Create Integration.
  3. In the Integration details area, enter your integration name and a description.
  4. In the Required authorization scopes area, select the scopes that your app needs. You can check our API documentation to see which APIs use which scopes.
  5. Add Redirect URI as
  6. Click Save.

A new row appears in the table of apps, containing the Client ID and the Client Secret. Copy and paste these into the connection configuration of your Prismatic integration.


Process Automation Trigger

Trigger for handling process automations from Gong | key: webhook

Data Sources

Fetch Folders

Fetch an array of Folders | key: folders | type: picklist

Data Source Payload

"result": [
"label": "Sales Onboarding",
"key": "3843152912968920037"

Fetch Workspaces

Fetch an array of Workspaces | key: workspaces | type: picklist

Data Source Payload

"result": [
"label": "Sales Onboarding",
"key": "3843152912968920037"


Add Call Media

Adds a call media, recorded by a telephony system (PBX) or other media recording facility. | key: addMedia

Create New Call

When using this endpoint, either provide a downloadMediaUrl or use the returned callId in a follow-up request to /v2/calls/{id}/media to upload the media file. | key: createNewCall

Create New Gong Meeting

Creates a new Gong Meeting | key: createNewGongMeeting

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"requestId": "4al018gzaztcr8nbukw",
"meetingId": "7782342274025937895",
"meetingUrl": "",
"additionalInvitees": [
"displayName": "Gong Assistant",
"email": ""

Custom Action Event

Push engagement events into Gong and display them as events in Gong's activity timeline, when a content is engaged by an external participant (for example, a contract was 'signed' by the prospect) | key: customActionEvent

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"requestId": "4al018gzaztcr8nbukw",
"integrationId": 55170271882342

Custom Shared Event

Push engagement events into Gong and display them as events in Gong’s activity timeline, when a Gong user shares content with external participants (for example, a contract was “shared” by the account executive with his prospects) | key: customSharedEvent

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"requestId": "4al018gzaztcr8nbukw",
"integrationId": 55170271882342

Custom Viewed Event

Push engagement events into Gong and display them as events in Gong's activity timeline, when a Gong user shares content with external participants (for example, a contract was “shared” by the account executive with his prospects) | key: customViewedEvent

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"requestId": "4al018gzaztcr8nbukw",
"integrationId": 55170271882342

Delete Email Address and Associated Elements

Given an email address, this endpoint deletes from the Gong system any calls or email messages that reference this address. | key: deleteEmailAddressAndAssociatedElements

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"requestId": "4al018gzaztcr8nbukw"

Delete Gong Meeting

Deletes an existing Gong Meeting | key: deleteMeeting

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"organizerEmail": ""

Delete Phone Number and Associated Elements

Given a phone number, this endpoint deletes from the Gong system any leads or contacts with a matching phone number or mobile phone number. | key: deletePhoneNumberAndAssociatedElements

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"requestId": "4al018gzaztcr8nbukw"

Get Call

Retrieve data for a specific call (/v2/calls/{id}) | key: getCallUsingGet

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"requestId": "4al018gzaztcr8nbukw",
"call": {
"id": "7782342274025937895",
"url": "",
"title": "Example call",
"scheduled": 1518863400,
"started": 1518863400,
"duration": 460,
"primaryUserId": "234599484848423",
"direction": "Inbound",
"system": "Outreach",
"scope": "Internal",
"media": "Video",
"language": "eng",
"workspaceId": "623457276584334",
"sdrDisposition": "Got the gatekeeper",
"clientUniqueId": "7JEHFRGXDDZFEW2FC4U",
"customData": "Conference Call",
"purpose": "Demo Call",
"meetingUrl": "",
"isPrivate": false,
"calendarEventId": ""

Get Call Transcript

Returns transcripts for calls that took place during the specified date period. | key: getCallTranscript

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"requestId": "4al018gzaztcr8nbukw",
"records": {
"totalRecords": 263,
"currentPageSize": 100,
"currentPageNumber": 0,
"cursor": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJjYWxsSWQiM1M30.6qKwpOcvnuweTZmFRzYdtjs_YwJphJU4QIwWFM"
"callTranscripts": [
"callId": "7782342274025937895",
"transcript": [
"speakerId": "6432345678555530067",
"topic": "Objections",
"sentences": [
"start": 460230,
"end": 462343,
"text": "No wait, I think we should check that out first."

Get Logs Data by Type and Time Range

List log entries that took place during a specified time range. | key: getLogsDataByTypeAndTimeRange

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"requestId": "4al018gzaztcr8nbukw",
"records": {
"totalRecords": 263,
"currentPageSize": 100,
"currentPageNumber": 0,
"cursor": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJjYWxsSWQiM1M30.6qKwpOcvnuweTZmFRzYdtjs_YwJphJU4QIwWFM"
"logEntries": [
"userId": "234599484848423",
"userEmailAddress": "",
"userFullName": "Jon Snow",
"impersonatorUserId": "234599484848423",
"impersonatorEmailAddress": "",
"impersonatorFullName": "Jon Snow",
"impersonatorCompanyId": "234599484848423",
"eventTime": "2018-02-17T02:30:00-08:00",
"logRecord": {}

Get User

Retrieve a specific user. | key: getUser

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"requestId": "4al018gzaztcr8nbukw",
"user": {
"id": "234599484848423",
"emailAddress": "",
"created": "2018-02-17T02:30:00-08:00",
"active": true,
"emailAliases": [
"trustedEmailAddress": "",
"firstName": "Jon",
"lastName": "Snow",
"title": "Enterprise Account Executive",
"phoneNumber": "+1 123-567-8989",
"extension": "123",
"personalMeetingUrls": [
"settings": {
"webConferencesRecorded": true,
"preventWebConferenceRecording": false,
"telephonyCallsImported": false,
"emailsImported": true,
"preventEmailImport": false,
"nonRecordedMeetingsImported": true,
"gongConnectEnabled": true
"managerId": "563515258458745",
"meetingConsentPageUrl": "",
"spokenLanguages": [
"language": "es-ES",
"primary": true

List Calls

Retrieve call data by date range (/v2/calls) | key: listCallsUsingGet

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"requestId": "4al018gzaztcr8nbukw",
"records": {
"totalRecords": 263,
"currentPageSize": 100,
"currentPageNumber": 0,
"cursor": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJjYWxsSWQiM1M30.6qKwpOcvnuweTZmFRzYdtjs_YwJphJU4QIwWFM"
"calls": [
"id": "7782342274025937895",
"url": "",
"title": "Example call",
"scheduled": 1518863400,
"started": 1518863400,
"duration": 460,
"primaryUserId": "234599484848423",
"direction": "Inbound",
"system": "Outreach",
"scope": "Internal",
"media": "Video",
"language": "eng",
"workspaceId": "623457276584334",
"sdrDisposition": "Got the gatekeeper",
"clientUniqueId": "7JEHFRGXDDZFEW2FC4U",
"customData": "Conference Call",
"purpose": "Demo Call",
"meetingUrl": "",
"isPrivate": false,
"calendarEventId": ""

List Calls in Folder

Given a folder id, this endpoint retrieves a list of calls in it. | key: listCallsInFolder

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"requestId": "4al018gzaztcr8nbukw",
"id": "3843152912968920037",
"name": "Sales Onboarding",
"createdBy": "234599484848423",
"updated": 1584192600,
"calls": [
"id": "7782342274025937895",
"title": "Example call",
"note": "sample note",
"addedBy": "234599484848423",
"created": 1578868200,
"url": "",
"snippet": {
"fromSec": 21,
"toSec": 132

List Library Folders

Use this endpoint to retrieve a list of public library folders. | key: listLibraryFolders

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"requestId": "4al018gzaztcr8nbukw",
"folders": [
"id": "3843152912968920037",
"name": "Sales Onboarding",
"parentFolderId": "295738305212375930",
"createdBy": "234599484848423",
"updated": 1584192600

List References to a Phone Number

Shows the elements in the Gong system that reference the given phone number. | key: listReferencesToAPhoneNumber

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"requestId": "4al018gzaztcr8nbukw",
"emails": [
"from": "",
"id": "223mjfaaqqjuegabiyrmpctvcwwl75oz",
"sentTime": "2019-01-20T00:00:00-08:00",
"mailbox": "",
"messageHash": "l3z7w2s7oircdabnkwizmycm6g2uwznc"
"calls": [
"id": "7782342274025937895",
"status": "COMPLETED",
"externalSystems": [
"system": "Salesforce",
"objects": [
"objectType": "Task",
"externalId": "0013601230sV7grAAC"
"meetings": [
"id": "8059707022269524529.sb5gr1tgpt5dd799eh035rb3dk@google.com_2022-06-30T13:00:00Z"
"customerData": [
"system": "Salesforce",
"objects": [
"id": "7782342274025937895",
"objectType": "Contact",
"externalId": "0013601230sV7grAAC",
"mirrorId": "\"{\\\"integrationId\\\":\\\"262834820328732\\\",\\\"crmObjectType\\\":\\\"CONTACT\\\",\\\"crmId\\\":\\\"0031Q00002DFhi4QAD\\\"}\"",
"fields": [
"name": "name",
"value": "Gong Inc."
"customerEngagement": [
"eventType": "ExternalCallViewing",
"timestamp": 1547971200,
"contentId": "7782342274025937895",
"contentUrl": "",
"reportingSystem": "",
"eventName": "",
"sourceEventId": ""

List References to an Email Address

Shows the elements in the Gong system that reference the given email address. | key: listReferencesToAnEmailAddress

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"requestId": "4al018gzaztcr8nbukw",
"emails": [
"from": "",
"id": "223mjfaaqqjuegabiyrmpctvcwwl75oz",
"sentTime": "2019-01-20T00:00:00-08:00",
"mailbox": "",
"messageHash": "l3z7w2s7oircdabnkwizmycm6g2uwznc"
"calls": [
"id": "7782342274025937895",
"status": "COMPLETED",
"externalSystems": [
"system": "Salesforce",
"objects": [
"objectType": "Task",
"externalId": "0013601230sV7grAAC"
"meetings": [
"id": "8059707022269524529.sb5gr1tgpt5dd799eh035rb3dk@google.com_2022-06-30T13:00:00Z"
"customerData": [
"system": "Salesforce",
"objects": [
"id": "7782342274025937895",
"objectType": "Contact",
"externalId": "0013601230sV7grAAC",
"mirrorId": "\"{\\\"integrationId\\\":\\\"262834820328732\\\",\\\"crmObjectType\\\":\\\"CONTACT\\\",\\\"crmId\\\":\\\"0031Q00002DFhi4QAD\\\"}\"",
"fields": [
"name": "name",
"value": "Gong Inc."
"customerEngagement": [
"eventType": "ExternalCallViewing",
"timestamp": 1547971200,
"contentId": "7782342274025937895",
"contentUrl": "",
"reportingSystem": "",
"eventName": "",
"sourceEventId": ""

List Users

List all of the company's users. | key: listUsers

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"requestId": "4al018gzaztcr8nbukw",
"records": {
"totalRecords": 263,
"currentPageSize": 100,
"currentPageNumber": 0,
"cursor": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJjYWxsSWQiM1M30.6qKwpOcvnuweTZmFRzYdtjs_YwJphJU4QIwWFM"
"users": [
"id": "234599484848423",
"emailAddress": "",
"created": "2018-02-17T02:30:00-08:00",
"active": true,
"emailAliases": [
"trustedEmailAddress": "",
"firstName": "Jon",
"lastName": "Snow",
"title": "Enterprise Account Executive",
"phoneNumber": "+1 123-567-8989",
"extension": "123",
"personalMeetingUrls": [
"settings": {
"webConferencesRecorded": true,
"preventWebConferenceRecording": false,
"telephonyCallsImported": false,
"emailsImported": true,
"preventEmailImport": false,
"nonRecordedMeetingsImported": true,
"gongConnectEnabled": true
"managerId": "563515258458745",
"meetingConsentPageUrl": "",
"spokenLanguages": [
"language": "es-ES",
"primary": true

List Workspaces

Returns a list of all workspaces including their details. | key: listWorkspaces

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"requestId": "4al018gzaztcr8nbukw",
"workspaces": [
"id": "623457276584334",
"name": "Some Workspace",
"description": "This is one of our workspaces"

Raw Request

Send raw HTTP request to Gong | key: rawRequest

Update Gong Meeting

Updates an existing Gong Meeting | key: updateGongMeeting

Output Example Payload

"data": {
"requestId": "4al018gzaztcr8nbukw",
"meetingId": "7782342274025937895",
"meetingUrl": "",
"additionalInvitees": [
"displayName": "Gong Assistant",
"email": ""