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Math Component

Perform common math operations on numbers or lists of numbers

Component key: math


The math component implements common mathematical functions that are available in JavaScript's built-in Math library.


Absolute Value

Returns the absolute value of the input number. | key: abs

Add Numbers

Returns the result of adding the numbers | key: add


Returns the arccosine of the input number. | key: acos


Returns the arcsine of the input number. | key: asin


Returns the arctangent of the input number. | key: atan


Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the input number. | key: ceil


Returns the cosine of the input number. | key: cos

Cube Root

Returns the cube root of the input number. | key: cbrt

Divide Numbers

Returns the result of dividing the numbers | key: divide


Returns e^x, where x is the input number, and e is Euler's constant (2.718…, the base of the natural logarithm). | key: exp

Evaluate Expression

Evaluate a mathematical expression (for example, "2 * 3 + 7") | key: evaluate

The evaluate action follows JavaScript evaluation rules. Your expression can use any JavaScript arithmetic operator and follows order of operations rules (think PEMDAS from middle school!).

For example, to express "five plus three times four to the third power", you could enter 5 + 3 * 4 ** 3. Note that the exponent would evaluate first, giving 5 + 3 * 64. Then, the multiplication would evaluate giving 5 + 192. Finally, the addition would evaluate giving 197.

You can leverage input templates to concatenate several config variables, step results and numbers into a single mathematical expression:

Additionally, you can use JavaScript bitwise operators to do things like 5 << 2 and get a result of 20.


Returns the nearest single precision float representation of the input number. | key: fround


Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the input number. | key: floor

Hyperbolic Arccosine

Returns the hyperbolic arccosine of the input number. | key: acosh

Hyperbolic Arcsine

Returns the hyperbolic arcsine of a number. | key: asinh

Hyperbolic Arctangent

Returns the hyperbolic arctangent of the input number. | key: atanh

Hyperbolic Cosine

Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the input number. | key: cosh

Hyperbolic Sine

Returns the hyperbolic sine of the input number. | key: sinh

Hyperbolic Tangent

Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the input number. | key: tanh


Returns the square root of the sum of squares of an array of numbers. | key: hypot


Returns the logarithm of a given input base of an input number. | key: log


Returns the largest of zero or more numbers. | key: max


Returns the smallest of zero or more numbers. | key: min

Multiply Numbers

Returns the result of multiplying the numbers | key: multiply

Natural Log

Returns the natural logarithm (log e; also, ln) of the input number. | key: naturalLog


Returns base x to the exponent power y (that is, x^y). | key: pow

Random Integer

Returns a pseudo-random integer between min and max. | key: randomInt

Random Number

Returns a pseudo-random number between min and max. | key: random


Returns the value of the input number rounded to the nearest integer. | key: round


Returns the sine of the input number. | key: sin

Square Root

Returns the positive square root of the input number. | key: sqrt

Subtract Numbers

Returns the result of subtracting the numbers | key: subtract


Returns the tangent of the input number. | key: tan

Truncate Number

Returns the integer portion of the input number, removing any fractional digits. | key: trunc